Post anterior foi o centésimo! Yay.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Doakes: (to Dex staring at corpse) Getting a goddamn hard-on there, Morgan?21:58 Vi Dexter all day long. Levei e peguei o Leon no vet. Como vivívamos antes desse big boy? Ugh. Part of the day? Break-up with him. I don't know, I don't have any other way to say that. And we are talking in such good terms... Ah, I changed the layout again. HOW WEIRD AM I!!! Isso é um pedido de desculpa, Dexter
So if you love me, let me go.And run away before I know, my heart is just too dark to care, I can't destroy what isn't there. Deliver me into my Fate, if I'm alone I cannot hate, I don't deserve to have you.. Uh, my smile was taken long ago, if I can change I hope I never know.. ...que se eu pudesse, e se fosse fazer alguma diferença para o bem, eu entregaria a você. Wicked
Macmillan Dictionay says.. 1 morally wrong and deliberately intending to hurt people 2 slightly cruel but not intending to upset people expressing a slightly cruel type of enjoyment 3 [very informal] very good. This word is used mainly by young people. 4 informal used for emphasizing how bad something is evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people; wicked habits. mischievous or playfully malicious: distressingly severe, as a storm, wound, or cold: a wicked winter. unjustifiable; dreadful; beastly: a wicked exam. having a bad disposition; ill-natured; mean: a wicked horse. spiteful; malevolent; vicious: a wicked tongue. extremely troublesome or dangerous. unpleasant; foul: a wicked odor Slang . wonderful; great; masterful; deeply satisfying: –adverb Slang . very; really; totally: That shirt is wicked cool. Origin: 1225–75; ME wikked, equiv. to wikke bad (repr. adj. use of OE wicca wizard; cf. witch) + -ed -ed3 —Related forms wick·ed·ly, adverb quasi-wicked, adjective qua·si-wick·ed·ly, adverb un·wick·ed, adjective un·wick·ed·ly, adverb —Can be confused: wicca, wicked . —Synonyms —Antonyms 1. unrighteous, ungodly, godless, impious, profane, blasphemous; immoral, profligate, corrupt, depraved, dissolute; heinous; infamous, villainous. See bad.. 1. good, virtuous. Sócrates e Platão, meio espíritas?
(...) É tempo de nos separarmos; eu para morrer, vós para viverdes. Sócrates aos seus juízes. Como o Jaison e o Chico?! Don't ever look back, don't ever look back (8) Scene V - Just quoting Sheldon - PHOTOGRAPHYUma
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Listas, porque eu as amo.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
18:00 BOOK LIST/LISTA DE LIVROS Nonfiction/não-ficcão • As Veias Abertas da América Latina – Eduardo Galeano • Einstein: Sua Vida, Seu Universo – Walter Isaacson • A Herança de Stalin – Owen Matthews • As 100 Maiores Personalidade da História – Michael H. Hart • O Livro das Perguntas – Pablo Neruda • O Livro dos Abraços – Eduardo Galeano • Darwin: do Telhado das Américas à Teoria da Evolução – Nelio Bizzo • Os Girassóis – Sheramy Bundrick • Helena: O Eterno Feminino - Junito de Souza Brandão • Quebrando o Código Da Vinci - Darrell L. Bock Sunday, 26 September 2010
She was aware that when they walked together they looked like two teenagers. Sweet19:00 sixteen. (Itálico? Minha alteração. Necessary.) I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like, and right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe. I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight as long as the wrong feels right. It's like I'm in flight, high of the love, drunk from my hate It's like I'm huffing paint. And I love it the more that I suffer, I suffocate. And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me. She fucking hates me. And I love it. Wait, where you going? "I'm leaving you", "no you aren't, come back" We're running right back Here we go again, it's so insane, beause when it's going good, it's going great. I'm Superman with the wind at his back. She's Lois Lane. But when it's bad, it's awful I feel so ashamed I snap Who's that dude I don't even know his name I laid hands on him I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength Ah, adivinhe que é, eu não vou dizer. Terminei já Os Homens que Não Amavam As Mulheres, e já to lendo, The Girl Who Played With Fire. Lentamente, porque é aqui no computador, of course. Not like a teenage dream.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
À noite, algo supernice aconteceu. Eu saí com o Gustavo (varanda da casa dele, como sempre), e eu me diverti. Do início ao fim, de verdade. Rimos, conversamos. Mas agora eu só vejo um problema. Não foi legal em uma maneira romântica, romântica mesmo. No good kisses, no warm looks, no sweet words. Just fun, like friends that kiss each others. Dah. The problem is just me. Monday, 20 September 2010
Just recapitulating...20:35 Oh... I would like to do so much with him. It's going to be so good... Kiss him, his eyelids, his cheeks, mess with his hair, try on his clothes, make out. Hold hands, see movies together.. Some weeks later... Give up my freedom. Worry about all the stuff BUY LINGERIE? Buy... As would say Monica... DAMNIT! I DID NOT THINK THIS THROUGH! Can I wake you up, can you up?
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Estou/tenho uma vontade de ler Orgulho e Preconceito.10:42 Vou tentar fazer isso agora mesmo! Pride and Prejudice, cheesy and all! 10:38
Friday, 17 September 2010
Is it late enough?13:00 Sexta! Só falei rápido com ele na entrada, Deus! Como é estranho falar disso em pleno 2010. No recreio, fiquei lá embaixo, nas mesinhas, com o pessoal da sala, e ele lá em cima. Atrás da viga, me olhava, eu ria. Eu franzia o cenho e voltava a olhar pra apostila de empresas. Nah, my guys are too funny too. Everyone was too distractive. HA! Uma blusa bem despretensiosa no terminal: I love pussycatssss. Voltei com ele também. Saí com o Leon à tarde. Fui na pracinha com ele, corri e tudo mais com ele. I could have done this by myself. COULDN'T I
Thursday, 16 September 2010
I can I can I can.20:07 Nada em especial. Ouvindo música, vendo FRIENDS, dormindo de forma tão, tão pesada, alimentando mais, mais um cachorro. You're low anymore, Collect your novel petals for the stem, And glow, glow, melt and flow, Eviscerate your fragile frame, And spill it out in the ragged floor. A thousand different versions of yourself! And if the old guard still offend, they got nothing left on which you depend, So enlist every ounce of your bright blood, And off with their heads, Jump from a book, You're not obliged to swallow anything you despise. See, those unrepenting buzzards want your life... And they got no right. As sure as you have eyes, they got no right. JUST PUT YOURSELF IN MY NEW SHOES. And see that I do what I do, Because the old guard still offend We got nothing left on which we depend, So we waste every ounce, Of your bright blood, and off with their heads! Jump from a book, and you're not obliged to swallow anything that you despise. (Sleeping Lessons, The Shins) Again, again, I love repetitions!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Leio e leio o que venho escrevendo por aqui, olho pra ele, olho pra nós dois juntos em um determinado momento, penso nisso enquanto beijo ele...18:31 E lembro também que eu pensava que eu nunca ia chegar a fazer tudo aquilo que eu pensava, que eu nunca ia chegar a beijar ele... que eu cismava com ele, mas que daqui a alguns meses ou semanas, ou dias, eu esqueceria, passaria e aquilo não seria mais aquela fixação. É, tudo isso pra nada. Sólo para recordarme. Greeeeen eyes...
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Algo está ricocheteando no meu ouvido - esquerdo apenas, pelo o que notei.22:04 Então, domingo, terminei o estágio hoje. Gean me deu até um abraço de despedida. Ahh, criatura... Então, estágio terminou, e eu tenho MUITO o que fazer, só amanhã. Pqp, minha folga só começa terça mesmo. E eu to aqui coçando o saco--- TENHO QUE COMEÇAR A FAZER O TRABALHO DA ACCOR--AHHHH! I came here with a load And it feels so much lighter Now I've met you And honey you should know That I could never go on Without you Green eyes... Valorize
Watch out, but please, essentially, be happy, when you start to miss simple, trivial things.Like sleeping on a tuesday morning. Really have spare time to do a lot of things, but always say you have none. Not worry about make-up everyday. Have your whole weekend to stay in pajamas. Missed, missed, missed so much these things. Now I how all of you back! Thanks. Nem tanto... nem tanto pelo óbvio...
Saturday, 11 September 2010
00:00 Dear Heart. why will you use me so?
Friday, 10 September 2010
Porque Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, simplesmente não funciona... Exceto pra copiar e colar o Ctrl+C Ctrl+V.23:32 Gustavo.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
I think I'd like him with me right now.19:27 I'm just sitting here, I'm JUST SITTING. Here.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Even though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, hug you....23:56 I want you to know, that I'm just crazy about you. Eu simplesmente fico louca só de pensar nisso. E eu penso, agora, the hell with it, e então essa é uma das respostas for the G fact. Some pursue happiness. Others create it. 23:26
Porque apesar de eu nem ter levado ele hoje, meu estágio ficou meio com cara de:Sepulcro. Que alías, eu não pretendo mais terminar. Enrola, baby, e eu tentei, so hard. Por que Mofeeeeei na recepção com o Gean depois das 6, mais ou menos. Ficamos conversando sobre cidades, bebidas, esportes, roupas, e afins. I love men. No other love. Quem vai pra Affinity - Independece Day - para comemorar o dia da independência? Ah, e by the way, burgueses dão o ar da graça aqui também. Gah. Dei uma volta de cinco segundos até o nosso spot de sempre. Comecei a ler o Stieg Larsson! today, after coming from the market.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Think twice before you touch my girl21:20 Come around, I'll let you feel the burn Think twice before you touch my girl Come around, come around, no more Think twice before you touch my girl Come around, I'll let you feel the burn Think twice before you touch my girl Come around, no more Think Twice by Eve 6 ------------------------------Not going to the march tomorrow! Neruda 01
Obs.: Meio non sequitur com a data. Só coloquei porque meio me lembra o Gustavo - especialmente as primeiras linhas. get ooout!
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
Nice day, nice day...22:00 O monitor voltou -aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Joy and relief. I can't help. I just love it. It's so beautiful and wide and... Estágio hoje, bem legal. Ju e pai foram me buscar, comprei umas coisas pra comer na viagem... Não lembro direito como foi a aula. Ahhn, conversei com um Texano hoje! Southerners rock. Gean, always nice. Fui dormir tarde, e etc. Sempre, sempre. Gustavo... não lembro direito o que a gente fez. Ahh.. Porque não fizemos. Ele sabe que eu entro, e vou falar com o Beto. Except when, eu desço antes do nicho dele e passo por ele.... But of course he has to make a big deal out of it! So I kinda think that's why he vanished during lunch.. but, whatever ¬¬ what day is today?
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Quarta-feira.23:00 Dia de período integral, mas fizemos o motirão do ditching, então à tarde eu tinha planejado: - Ir pro estágio (but nooo... Too tired. E ninguém precisa saber que eu não fui pra aula.). - Fazer o trabalho de Bio (mas o Igor já tinha feito. I know. I'm scared too.). - Dormir! (mas o povo tinha planos melhores, como por exemplo...) - Ir pra Florianópolis! Então, depois de almoçar, dormi, cochilei, entrei em um estado de incosciência indefinida, e troquei de roupa mais tarde. Fomos. Enfim: vagamos, ganhei Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres - Millenium I - Stieg Larsson porque falei com o pai sobre arrumar um namorado, e vagamos mais um pouco. Só cacei umas coisas pro trabalho de Bio, falei com a Allana, o Lucas e o Gustavo. See ya. Anexo V - Boca de Beto - DRAWINGS
Here is where I'm free. Free to write, free to think. I'm all by myself, all to myself. Only me. I can shout my fucks and cry my Oh Gods. Look to my madness or say "who are you?" Today, I fell connected. Tomorrow, maybe not. Maybe I'm too worried with other things, someone is here with me. Maybe inspiration didn't hit me. My most important thoughts (to me) come to me when I'm far away from notepads and notebooks, but close to myself. That's what this is made of. useful links
Home, sweet home
diccionario real academia española
series download, yep
We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and -- in spite of True Romance magazines -- we shall all someday look
back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely -- at
least, not all the time -- but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important,
and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your
— Hunter S. Thompsonthe months passed by...
January 2010,
February 2010,
March 2010,
April 2010,
May 2010,
June 2010,
July 2010,
August 2010,
September 2010,
October 2010,
November 2010,
December 2010,
(This awesome layout isn't mine. I got if from CREATE BLOG, and made my adjustments.) ------
Layout: tuesdaynightResources: 1 2 |